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Personalized Strategy
College & Law School Essay Preparation
College & Law School Admissions Counseling











  • National math and science camps & competitions

  • Writing and art competitions

  • Specialized summer camp for all ages 



  • Personalized college application essays

  • Detailed guideline

  • Targeted college list

  • Mock interviews

  • Résumé building



Teng Consulting provides individualized strategic counseling to students seeking admission to elite colleges. I have had the pleasure of working with many students from diverse backgrounds, including both boarding and public schools. Our students come from across the U.S. and China. Whether it be live meetings, Skype, WeChat, email, or phone calls, we will be able to mentor your child through the complex college application process. 


  • Harvard

  • Columbia

  • Caltech

  • Princeton

  • MIT

  • Cornell

  • Amherst

  • Brown

  • Rice

  • Johns Hopkins

  • Williams

  • Cooper Union

  • Georgetown

  • Michigan

  • Swarthmore

  • NYU Stern

  • Tufts

  • NYU

  • Emory

  • Barnard

  • Notre Dame

  • UCLA

  • UC Berkeley

  • Virginia

  • UC Irvine

  • Carnegie Mellon

  • Brandeis (BA/MA IBS Scholar)

  • Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Boston College (Honors)

  • Boston University 

  • Northwestern 

  • Wellesley 

  • Washington University St. Louis

  • USC

  • Wake Forest

  • University of Rochester

  • Columbia Law

  • University of Chicago Law

  • NYU Law

  • University of Pennsylvania Law

  • University of Michigan Law

  • University of Virginia Law

  • Duke Law

  • Northwestern Law

  • Cornell Law

  • Georgetown Law Center

  • USC Law 

大家好, 這裡是我的一些學生的應屆大學和法學院錄取名單。



布朗大學, 康奈爾大學,哥倫比亞大學,約翰·霍普金斯大學,密歇根大學安那堡分校,紐約大學斯特恩商學院,紐約大學,加州大學伯克利分校,加州大學洛杉磯分校,加州大學戴維斯分校,加州大學歐文分校,西北大學,庫珀聯盟大學,華盛頓大學聖路易斯,萊斯(Rice) 大學,波士頓大學,波士頓學院,卡內基梅隆大學,韋爾斯利女子學院,佐治亞技術研究所,加州聖克拉拉大學




To maximize our students’ college application success, our services include


  • Brainstorming for the best and revealing essay topics

  • Essay editing

  • Identify the student’s “hook”

  • Fine tune the student’s application profile

  • Evaluate grades, test scores, and strength of curriculum

  • Final college list

  • Mock interview preparation

  • Decision options for EA, ED, REA 


At Teng Consulting, we provide individualized counseling that is designed to maximize the student’s college or law school application. From our initial consultation through application submission, our packages offer focused strategies, résumé building and refinement, mock interview practice, brainstorming for essay topics, essay writing and editing, summer camp searches, exploring volunteer and leadership opportunities, and a College Action Plan calendar guide for students and parents.



We recognize the importance of building your child’s distinctive profile for college. At Teng Consulting, starting as early as 9th grade, we will target the student’s passion and strengths to make him/her a unique candidate for college admission.


High school curriculum advisement

Advice for standardized testing

Options for extracurricular activities

Academic programs and competitions.


These and other services are designed to build a targeted student profile in preparation for the college application process. We strive to build the most unique narratives as possible for the students so they can gain admission to their top choices. 



Elite colleges seek students with unique stories. Unfortunately, too many qualified students hurt their applications by submitting cliché Personal Statement essays about persistence, travel abroad humanitarian summer camps, lessons learned about underprivileged people while vacationing, and sibling rivalry. These can be application killers. Students often also hurt their applications by submitting poorly-written and ill thought-out supplemental essays which ask, “Why our college.” Cookie-cutter essays will tell admissions officers that you have no interest in their colleges.  Other pitfalls include not knowing how to strategically fill out the Common Application, how to target teachers for recommendation letters, and interviews. The most elite colleges, including the Ivies, require interviews. Many students are unprepared for interviews which can result in negative evaluations of the student. All these can result in multiple rejections.



A responsible and trustworthy college counselor, Mr. Teng will always ensure that your application process goes smoothly well before the deadline. Mr. Teng is a phenomenal writer and editor, able to create captivating stories out of mere words and ensure that your essays will never contain a single error. He is capable of assisting you create unique twists within your application and essays by furthering your own ideas and experiences. A true gentleman, he will kindly meet with you and discuss writing topics and how to perfect each requirement within every prompt. It is very easy to talk to Mr. Teng; he is very sociable and understanding. He knows what is best for his clients in every situation. Always willing to give aid and answer questions at any step in the application process, Mr. Teng never fails to be helpful and is always willing to provide useful information.


Mr. Teng was a tremendous help to my application process. With my passion for creating and sharing music on the piano with others, he assisted me by furthering my description of my volunteer work of performing piano at a senior center. Using Mr. Teng’s help, I put into words the complex yet marvelous relationship I had with a former pianist I met at the center. Mr. Teng is an extremely skilled listener who is able to convert difficult-to-describe phenomena into writing. Whenever I asked Mr. Teng to help edit my pieces of writing, he always got back to me within one day.


If you are in need of a reliable and effective advisor in your application process, Mr. Teng is the perfect counselor to make your application something you can be proud of. He will most definitely do his best to assist you in developing your own ideas into well-developed and unique works of art.

– Student (Princeton)


Every student dreams to have the potential to even stand a chance among the other strong candidates when applying to their dream school. With Richard’s assistance, I was able to reach my maximum potential as an applicant to colleges. At the start of my college application journey, I was not confident in the ideas I had when drafting my essays. Upon meeting Richard, my confidence grew and I owe it to him for his collaboration and helping me to piece together my scattered thoughts and ideas into something cohesive. From being lost and afraid of the college application process, I ended up feeling the utmost satisfied when sending my applications. I am beyond ecstatic to say that I will be attending the school of my dreams, Brown University, and I cannot thank Richard enough for his dedicated efforts in helping me throughout the entire process.  

– Student (Brown)


Rich provides a highly professional and all inclusive consulting service. He is very knowledgable, has a lot of experience with the college application process and takes a detail-oriented approach in evaluating each client's strengths and weaknesses to achieve plausible outcomes. Rich helped make applying for college easy by laying out the steps I needed to take and instructing me on how I would approach my research and writing. Rich is readily available throughout the entire process and offers valuable guidance with important procedures - including contacting colleges, helping with essays, and preparing for interviews. I was very happy with my acceptances and would recommend Rich for anyone looking for a counselor.

– Student (Duke)


I got in! I got in! Thank you so much. I'm so happy!

– Student (MIT)


"I cannot stress enough how much of an invaluable role Mr. Teng played in my college application process. His patience, enthusiasm, and dedication from picking colleges to finding my voice in my essays to honing my interview skills enabled me to tackle the application process with confidence. I would not have been able to get into my top choice school without his personalized guidance that helped me put my best foot forward. I absolutely recommend Teng Consulting.”

– Student (Cornell)



Thank you for all the help you’ve given me over the past few months. I couldn’t be more pleased with the result, and I know that I couldn’t have gotten where I am now without your assistance. 

– Student (Johns Hopkins)



Richard was very helpful in helping me craft successful applications to many top colleges. His questioning approach helped me discover and pinpoint topics for my essays, and he pushed me to write essays that would be interesting and would stand out to admissions officers. He advised me through every step of the application process, from the essay to the interview, and helped me strategize to get the best possible result. Richard went to great lengths to make himself available during the process, for which I am very thankful for. I am very satisfied with the results and acceptances I received and would highly recommend Richard to anyone going through the application process.

– Student (Columbia)



I met Richard during the last summer in my high school. In all honesty, it was pretty late for anyone to just start the college application process. He graciously offered me a complimentary meeting. After I told him I had done in the past three years at my high school, he veraciously assessed my accomplishments and told me what I needed to do for the schools to which I wanted to go. And frankly, I was a little surprised by such forthrightness—in a market where so many admission consultants avoid telling their clients how fierce the competition is and cajole their clients into hiring them. Brutal truths usually turn clients away, and Richard’s forthrightness is what I later come to appreciate. 


After we signed the contract, Richard became a great aid to my college application process. He guided me every step of the way—not only did he advise me on the tests colleges looked at and the activities that would improve my resume, but he is also an excellent essay editor. Narrowing down which story I wanted to write in my essays is the most arduous task when it comes to the Common Application essay and supplemental essays. What I particularly love about Richard’s approach to these essays is his brainstorming sessions. During our consultation, he designated one of our meetings for brainstorming, during which I told him about my past experiences while he winnowed the colorful from the colorless. After all, it was this session that gave my Common Application essay a solid foundation. Oh, by the way, Richard is a great deterrent to procrastination—he checked on me on a regular basis, making sure that I wouldn’t slack and hence miss any deadline.


To put it in a nutshell, had I chosen to rely on myself, I would have done something that I wasn’t supposed to do and made mistakes of some sort which would have led my application astray and jeopardized my chance of success. So I am very grateful for Richard’s tutelage during this process and hereby endorse his consulting services. 

– Student (Berkeley)



My dad heard about Mr. Teng through a friend, who recommended him to us. Upon contacting Mr. Teng, I received a free first consultation in which we talked about my background information and achievements so he could have a general idea of me as a college applicant. He gave me an honest and straightforward opinion of where I stood, and though the truth does hurt sometimes, it helped me get a better idea of my chances and what I needed to do from then on. After deciding to use Mr. Teng and his knowledge/experience in the college application process, I received a lot of help not only in terms of writing my essays but also in terms of practice interviews and even letters of continued interest/update letters to colleges. Mr. Teng helped give me the courage to write my Common App essay on something deeply personal and important to me that I had been hesitating to write about in fear of not being able to put my story onto paper in a way that reflected my feelings. However, with his help I was able to write it in a way that truly represented how I felt. Even when we were on strict deadlines Mr. Teng continuously tried to improve what we had so far, only letting me send the very best essay possible. His guidance on interviews helped prep me for the questions that the interviewers had, and when they asked, I was prepared to answer. Without his help, I doubt my essays or interviews would have turned out as well as they did. But most of all, his encouragement throughout the process helped ease the stress and pressure the application process had on me. Thank you, Mr. Teng!

– Student (Cornell)



I got in!!!!  Thank you so much for all of your help.

– Student (Rice)



I was introduced to Mr. Teng through a family friend who had received great aid from him during their college process, and now with my own experience, I can confidently say his services have helped me immensely. He was incredibly patient and composed during the most urgent of times, and was amazingly effective at helping me edit and revise my essays. More than just technical help, Mr. Teng genuinely reached out to learn and understand my story as a mentor and guide to help me better craft my application. I highly recommend his services to anyone going through the college process. 
– Student (Cornell)



I just got my acceptance to BU. I’m really happy and excited. Thank you so much for all your help! :DDD

– Student (Boston University)


漫长的申请终于结束了,三四月是收获的季节。超级意外和惊喜的收到了几个reach schools的offer。我和我的家人都觉得这和Richard的帮助是分不开的。


在申请的过程中,Richard并不像其他中介一样帮我填完所有的信息,而是一步一步的辅导我该怎么做,让我自己彻底了解申请的流程,不至于在拿了offer之后还是一头雾水。在我申请的过程中同时也要忙学校里的功课,在忙的晕头转向的时候,Richard总会及时的提醒我注意各种deadline。在准备文书的时候,Richard也给了我许多思路,我一开始觉得自己在个性上并没有突出的地方,写文章的时候完全毫无头绪,在Richard的提点之下,我发现了自己的特点而且能够把它很好的展现在文书中。Richard总是十分细心,做事也非常严谨,从email到文书和资料的反复修改和确认一点都没有放松过。在我备考时,还时常告诉我考试的注意事项还有教我一些有效的备考方式。虽然身处两个不一样的国家,但是有问题都能及时有效的沟通解决。超级感谢有Richard 帮助我的这段时光,我不仅收到了梦想的offer还学到了很多比申请更重要的东西。

– Student (UC Irvine)


去年7月份,在一位好朋友的 推荐下我们认识了Richard先生,我的好朋友很赞赏他, 因为她的女儿在美国读高中,目前也要申请大学,Richard给了她很多帮助。





– Parent



Hello Richard,



我们朋友的孩子去年在您的帮助下,顺利进入波士顿大学,因此她向我们推荐了您作为Jay 的申请顾问。在Jay漫长的申请季中,我们深深感到,您经验丰富,工作热情,能力出众。第一,您能够准确把握申请者的定位,给孩子一个合适的选择策略。第二,您非常了解大学的特色、优势学科、发展历史、治安环境、就业情况等,使申请者心里有底。第三,您熟悉Essay的写作,让申请者能尽可能地展示自己的个性和水平。实践证明您是一个出色的顾问。我们也很高兴地把您推荐给身边的朋友。





– Parent



我是在大女儿上高中三年级时认识Richard的。 大女儿当时突然改变报考大学的方向,在九,十 月时想要报考另外专业而且要在11/1 之前送交上ED的申请。 当时的紧张程度可想而知。每个人都压力很大,头绪也不清楚。 Richard紧密的配合我们家长和女儿的日程帮助女儿清理思路,整理资料分析实情,策略的制定大学的志愿。终于在最短的时间里, 让女儿被第一志愿的学校优先录取。我们全家都很满意, 除了女儿自身的努力, Richard尽心尽力让看似不可能的任务得以实现。


现在Richard也在帮助我上高中的小女儿, 定期检查课业进度, 同时共同商讨大学志愿方向以及相关课外活动, 让女儿心中较早定制清晰的目标, 并有的放矢地参与各类活动项目, 虽然压力大, 但避免了盲目的焦虑。女儿信任他, 我们家长也非常放心。

– Parent



我女儿在开始寻求Richard的帮助时, 离申请大学截止日期还剩不到两个月的时间了.Richard在了解了我女儿的情况后,迅速地帮助她设定了完整的计划,实际并有效.从申请学校的选择,个人简历的撰写,申请文章的修饰,到模拟面试的练习,送交申请的提醒,以及提交申请后和学校的联系和个人情况的更新, Richard无一不提供了最专业的帮助和细心的指导.女儿最终被几所理想中的大学录取并挑选了其中的一所,今年秋天就要开始她向往的大学生活了.在这里,我和女儿对Richard表示最衷心的感谢,也祝愿Richard能帮助到更多的学生进到他们的理想大学.

– Parent


By the time we contacted with Mr. Teng, it was already very close to the deadline for submitting application. We were worried because no decision has been made and did not know where to start. With Mr. Teng's help, my daughter would be able to straighten her thoughts and prioritized her school list. Within very short period of time as Mr. Teng closely advised, my daughter got everything in order and even made to the deadline for early decision and successfully admitted by her ideal college (NYU Stern). 


I highly recommend Mr. Teng to be your college adviser if you and your kid are not really sure for the college applying process. He will gain the time and find the direct path for you. 

– Parent




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RICHARD TENG is a Harvard cum laude graduate with extensive experience in placing students at elite colleges.

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